15 April 2007

Down with Shawshank

I don’t like to review individual films on Celluloid Jungle, but I really have to vent my frustration about one film in particular: The Shawshank Redemption (1994). It lacks imagination. many of its characters are two-dimensional and its story is predictable.

It has some good dramatic moments, but instead of contributing to the protagonists' journey in a congruous way they're mostly there to pass the time, which for the audience would otherwise be as excruciatingly boring as it is for the inmates of the prison.

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman in The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The film presents a good way to waste an afternoon, but it doesn't leave you thinking about the world, or yourself, in a different way. Man shouldn't be in prison, is mistreated, gets out of prison... Whoopie-f*cking-hoo.

I don't actually hate the film. I just hate the way that it has made its way to the top of IMDb and some magazines' top 100 lists. It astounds me that anyone can find so little in the rich tapestry of life that they consider The Shawshank Redemption to be cinema at its very finest. Its success must be due to the film's values failing to offend anyone much: it's numero uno one due to a consensus of indifference.

In the film’s defence, Morgan Freeman’s performance is excellent, and the script – despite being pedestrian -- is a million miles from The Green Mile, another Stephen King-penned prison flick, whose characters are even more two-dimensional, whose plot drags on for an eternity without any direction, and which asks the audience to believe in a mouse that lives forever while at the same time denying children the chance to enjoy the spectacle by including Tom Hanks’ diseased genitals as another key plot point.

Regardless of this, it is wrong that Shawshank survives recency bias and 13 years on is second only to The Godfather in IMDb users’ estimation. Murder in the First (1995) tells a very similar story, and does so with more finesse, but relatively few people have ever heard of it… Maybe Shawshank is ‘a classic’ just because enough people have said so in magazines and culture supplements and enough part-time filmgoers failed to disagree.


Anonymous said...

Can you find your ass with both hands? This film is subtly textured and quite realistic. The fact that you can only manage to notice moronically obvious plot changes doesn't devalue this film, it just means your brain needs training wheels.

Robert Hayward said...

Thanks for your comment, Anonymous. Your words are probably meant to offend but I'm pleased to have sparked a debate.

Could you help my brain out just this once and point out what I'm missing? What is realistic about the film and what are its subtle textures? I need details.

I think you're right in saying there is more to the film than the plot changes I skimmed over. I think the themes in the film are valid and interesting, but they are hardly original and I'm still frustrated by the cardboard cutout bad guys.

Don't tell me what makes it a good film. Tell me what makes it the best film of all time, because I just can't see it.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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