19 March 2006

Cinemas vs cellphones

If they can get permission, US cinemas will start jamming cellphone reception during screenings. Read the full story here.

Can phone jamming bring audiences back?

The implications for impudent teenagers? At present they don't go to the cinema because there's a film they want to see; they go to the cinema because have nothing else to do. They get bored quickly and they have no manners, so they call or text their friends after five minutes or so. They do this regardless of whether they paid to see the film or just snuck in halfway through it from another auditorium. Then, because they missed the start, and don’t care about the film anyway, they keep talking until the credits roll. So phone jamming would mean that impudent teenagers may stop ruining movies for everybody else. They may choose to go elsewhere to talk to their impudent friends.

The implications for film lovers? At present, they don’t often go to the cinema because impudent teenagers talk when they’re trying to concentrate on the film. If the impudent teenagers are elsewhere, they can return to cinemas and enjoy the big screens and sound systems they may not have at home. And it is possible that mature audiences will ask for mature programming – could this spell more intelligent drama and less remakes, sequels and films based on comic books and Disney theme park rides?

And the implications for cinemas and studios? With paying audiences returning to cinemas, they would start making some money. Not much, but some. Good luck to them.

05 March 2006

PR demystified

My latest piece of film yak is written specifically for people who work in technology marketing, so few Celluloid Jungle visitors are likely to find it of interest. I'm really sorry about the hiatus - I'll try to write something with a broader appeal sometime soon.

Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster in The Sweet Smell of Success (1957)

If, by happenstance, you work in B2B tech marketing, and Hollywood's portrayal of public relations consultants is exactly what you were hoping to read about at this very moment, then you are in luck. (And you astonish me.)

Read 'PR Demystified: Shattering Silver Screen Myths'